Before concluding, allow me to extend this moment of meditation by phrases from Pope Francis which very well connect with the birth of the Lord in the hearts of each and every one of us. I offer them to you without comment, and invite you to hold on to one that applies to you.

Christmas is – whenever we decide each day to be reborn, and let God enter our soul.

The Christmas tree is – whenever we robustly resist the winds and obstacles of life.

Christmas decorations are – whenever our virtues are the colors that adorn our life.

The Christmas bell rings – whenever we invite people together trying to re-unite them.

The light of Christmas is – whenever we illuminate the paths of others with our presence by our kindness, our patience, our joy and our generosity.

Christmas angels are – whenever we sing a message of peace, justice and love to the world.

The Christmas star is – whenever we lead someone to the Lord.

Christmas wishes are – whenever we forgive and restore peace, even when it hurts.

Christmas Eve is – whenever we satisfy by food and hope the poor around us.

Christmas night is – whenever we receive in the silence of the night the Savior of the world without noise or great celebration.

In conclusion, I hope these few words will help us enter into the spirit of Christmas. As someone once wrote: “Whoever does not have Christmas in their heart will never find it at the foot of ‘a tree “.


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