What is Synod …

How should we prepare for this massive gathering that will be held in Rome in 2023.

Following is a summary of what we have to achieve during the period ending April 2022. Each group of

volunteers consisting of at least 10-15 members should try to answer in writing the questions listed at

the end of this brief and send the responses to the Church site.

Synod is Communion, Message and Sharing

The Synod is a period of profound communion in order to walk together – laity, monks and priests. It is a period in which the whole Church listens to the Living Lord, in order to learn to walk together with Jesus to build a living Church capable of proclaiming the Father’s love with a testimony of unity and able to proclaim the Gospel with confidence and convincingly.I don’t want you walking in front of me, not behind me, but next to me. We walk together on sweet and bitter. The Synod is the summoning, calling of the Holy Spirit. In the past years the Synod has been meeting bishops from all over the world to study a subject. And then they end up making recommendations that they pass on to their priests and their parishioner and also to all the believers and churches. Now the pyramid has turned around and recommendations will be made from all   who were baptized to clarify and study the needs of the Church in the meantime to promote it in the future. We must be clear that it is not our role to change our faith or beliefs or sacred secrets, but our primary role is that the believers of God must lead the church forward and raise it. Once the priest is in front of us, once again is in our midst  and once more he is in the back of the herd What topics does the church engage in?We and the church are both involved in the service of Jesus. It is not our role to help the priest, but both of us do our best to show Jesus in our midst: our goal is to be the salt to the world and to set the basic lines for the future of the Church.
– Acts of Apostles chapter 10: from 44-48. The circumcisions are impressed when God has extended the gift of the Holy Spirit to non-Jews, and so we see God’s work with everyone and not only the Jews.

  • Let’s see God works beyond our standards and see Him in our problems in our husbands and wives and the hard things.

  • The Synod is to know what God wants us to do and not what we want

  • The Synod is to change our thinking, our way and our life system, to get out of ourselves and not to be afraid, and to accept the other as it is.
    – My fear is great that the Church will turn into something the world does.
    – The Synod is democracy.
    -The synod is to contain the marginalized, the divorced. The Hated minorities and gays…we have to accept all of them, even we don’t accept their actions, and we don’t underestimate others no matter.
    – Let us remember God’s work in us and in others.
    –  Listening is to listen to God, to ourselves and to others.
    – Distinction: We shall distinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit from the other voices around us.
    -Repentance is a return to God.

– Synod is “walking together” with God with me and with the other.
The fruit of synods is sharing with each other.
Life with God and coexistence with the other
we must learn to smile and not hurt those who have hurt us and apologize.

Spiritual discernment is the realization of grace and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, and since faith is not known, but is tested, and by baptism we inherited grace and strength. and each and every one of us has its own spiritual experience, making the Church grow and thrive and become from a church of tenacity to a church of triumph.
God walk by you , whether you agree or object, whether you know or not whether you see him or not.
Under our circumstances own kingdom, we may find some church activities opposing each other and moving in a different direction, and some of these activities may think that they can build the tower alone and by themself without needing help from others, and they imagine that they are the best, and they are always right.

You know that Pentecost was a turning point in the apostles’ lives, from a state of weakness to a state of strength, courage, speaking in different tongues, daring, and preaching the truthIt’s not right to wait to take the swab, the help, or the information from God, but we have to work hard to get grace.The seven flags of discrimination are The TrinityI. Recognize the sound of what I have tested with God the Father.2. To distinguish the sound from what I tested with God the Son.3. To distinguish the sound from what the Holy Spirit tested with me
4 To distinguish the sound from what I tested from the Bible the God Words
– The first coming of Jesus appearance on Earth
      – The Second Coming of All Human Beings to See God’s Salvation
– A third coming to see Jesus inside ourselves
5 Distinguishing the voice of God with what we chose in our calling “Don’t lose your call with false words and watch out for right and left strikes.
6. God’s voice is distinguished by what we have tested in the life of the company. “God’s voice is also with others and it’s not for you alone.”
7 To distinguish the voice of God in our first love, “God is who chose us and not Who we chose.”
This year, we will not only talk about communion and its dimensions, but we will experience it, so we thought of a Synod that would help us listen to the Holy Spirit and read the signs of the present times. It would help us answer the many questions that we face and the challenges facing our diocese   —————————————————————-  The tenth jewels  to dig into are as followings:1 companions on the same road

In the church and in the community, we’re on the same path, side by side, in your own churches. And when we say “our church,” who belongs to it? Who’s asking us to walk together? Who are the companions on the same road up outside the church perimeter? Who are specifically marginalized people or groups or indeed?

2 listeningListening is the first plan, but it requires an open mind and heart without prejudgments. How do we integrate the contribution of dedicated and dedicated people? Can we identify the prejudices and stereotypes that hinder our listening? Listen to the social and economic context we live in?3 talkingEveryone is invited to speak with courage and honesty, to integrate freedom, truth and love. How do we promote within the Community and its institutions a manner of free and genuine communication without duplication and opportunism? And the community we belong to? When and how can we say what we care about? Is the relationship going with the different media network? Who speaks for the Christian congregation and how does he choose?4 celebrationWe can only walk together by listening collectively to the word and celebrating pride. How do you inspire and direct effective prayer and the holy sacrament celebration? How do you inspire the most important decisions? How do we promote the active participation of all believers in the liturgy and exercise the mission of the sacrament? What’s the space given to practice the service of the reader?5 Shared responsibility in the message

The Synodism remains at the service of the church’s message, to which all its members are invited to participate, and since we are all disciples of messengers, how is each baptism called to play a key role in the message? How does the community support its members working in the service of society (social and political commitment, scientific research, teaching, promotion of social justice, protection of human rights, care of the common home, etc.)? How do you help them live up to these obligations in the logic of the message? How are choices about the message distinguished and who is involved? How is it possible to incorporate and organize different teachings into the subject of the Synodical Style, which is the heritage of many churches, especially the Eastern Churches, in the light of effective Christian testimony? How do you cooperate in areas where there are different churches with special rights?

6 Dialogue in the Church and SocietyDialogue is a process of perseverance that includes silence and pain but is capable of gathering the experience of individuals and peoples. What are the places and ways of dialogue within our own church? How are differences of vision, conflicts and difficulties dealt with?How we strengthening cooperation with neighbouring eparchies, religious groups in the region, and with and among secular and other associations and activities ? What experiences of dialogue and common commitment do we have with believers of other religions and with those who don’t  believe? How the Church discusses and learns from other requirements in the society: the world of politics, economy, culture, civil society and poverty..? 7 Dialogue with other Christian denominationsThe dialogue between Christians of different denominations, united by a single

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